Investments from China are demonstrating: to invest passion, investing to image, to invest in huge profits. LFScouting analyzes the stock according to an entrepreneurial perspective: how the business models of clubs has evolved over time to become a global business, capable of influencing the GDP of many countries, and to generate income millionaires, which often[…]

A LFScouting Testimonial: Adrian Mutu

LFScouting-Adrian Mutu Delamore Sports partnership The two companies are still together, by renewing an agreement made last year, that has produced great results. Sharing the passion for soccer, and the ambition to grow up globally, new projects are on the way, with the guarantee and the endorsement of two great champions who are first-hand believing[…]

"LFS": the value of Scouting

A qualitative and quantitative analysis of LFScouting, time to show a positive correlation between the clubs most virtuous Scouting level and number of trophies. Scouting WINS.   The scouting is one of the most important assets that a football club has. Its benefits are well known, and the list could never be exhaustive. Allows to[…]

"LFS": venue 3.0, the technology applied to the show

A combination, that technology-calcium, which can only bring benefits. The show, to the fans, to clubs, to football. A LFScouting report on the most interesting technological advances made in the main football stadiums, and a focus on future projects, because beauty never stops. Globalization, innovation. These terms, which in more waves have changed permanently our[…]

"LFS": the case of Maldini-Milan: but champion in the field is synonymous with champion behind a desk?

  After a long courtship, the former captain said no: but it would have been a guarantee of success? LFScouting analysis on correlation "sample on campo-great leader". It was a catchphrase along almost a month, which eventually ended with a final stalemate: the willingness on the part of the new Chinese ownership of Milan, to[…]